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We live in a world where we are naturally identified as being different from everything else and everyone else. We experience the beauty of living a life from an individualised perspective. In this experience we can forget that there is more to what the eyes can see.
Our two speakers Bea and Nik will be exploring the idea of integrating different aspects of reality with the intention of living life in a more balanced, integrated way.
Nik Haddadi is a mental health worker supporting adolescents with multiple and complex mental health needs. He also provides therapeutic services for refugees, autistic adults and climate activists. Introduced to meditation from a young age, Nik is a student of all wisdom traditions. He adeptly synthesises ancient spirituality with modern psychology, offering a rich and grounded view of the self-realisation process. 
Beatrice Mudadu was born and raised in Italy. She started to practise Raja Yoga meditation with her mum when she was 14 years old. Now 26, she has gone through many changes, though Raja Yoga is still a strong part of her life. Currently based in Rome, Bea has just graduated in Naturopathy and plans to integrate this new passion into her life too. 
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