On the battlefield, a soldier will assess each situation for its potential danger and find ways to protect the self and others. As souls, we have lived through many experiences and fought many battles ~ of injustice, personal boundaries, threatened honour. This has made us hyper-vigilant to attacks on our way of being.
As we embark on a spiritual path, in a sense we have to retire from this soldier-like attitude. But it takes time to give up the battle. We begin to look at the world in a different way, seeing situations with compassion and understanding. We recognise the futility of fighting and begin to create a different future, a future of peace, built on thousands of peaceful thoughts and footsteps.
Speaker: Valériane Bernard
Valeriane was born in France and from a young age she foresaw that only genuine personal engagement between people could create a lasting quality of life within the human family. This insight led her to an active spiritual life from the age of 25, committing to peace through meditation and creating tools of awareness to advance the condition of women, promote respectful relationships with our environment, resolve workplace disharmony and, through interfaith gatherings within the community, broaden cultural understanding. Valériane has lived in six different countries, including Chile and Costa Rica and is fluent in four languages. Currently residing in France, she continues to build bridges of understanding between cultures as the Brahma Kumaris’ representative of the United Nations in Geneva.