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More online resources to explore 


Brahma Kumaris Websites

UK Website
Find out about our activities throughout the UK
International Website
Overflowing with ideas, tools and more resources on meditation and Raja Yoga.


Online Resources

More online resources to explore

Brahma Kumaris Websites

UK Website
Find out about our activities throughout the UK
International Website
Overflowing with ideas, tools and more resources on meditation and Raja Yoga.



Essential Spirituality

A Spiritual Perspective. 42 short videos with Sister Jayanti

It's Time: website and blog
 A great online resource from the soul journey of Aruna Ladva, an experienced yogi and spiritual author. 
Blog: Spirituality in Action
By Ken O'Donnell. A more sensitive approach to troubled times. Making spirituality a real part of our everyday work & lives.
Audio Talks
Be inspired by our recent personal development talks from around the UK.
Raja Yoga TV is a web-based television programme bringing deep spiritual concepts to life in everyday situations.



Practical Meditation Programme

A series of online courses aimed at reclaiming mastery and control over your own mind, to recharge and empower the self.

  • Developing Spiritual Awareness: In this Course, we explored the first aim of Raja Yoga which is to regain mastery over the self.
  • This Thing Called Mind: Understanding how the inner creative processes shape your life experience enables you to reclaim mastery and control over your own mind. 
  • Exploring Eternal Reality: In this part of the Program, we explore the second aim of Raja Yoga, to recharge the soul through the connection with the Supreme.
  • Meditation in Action:  In this Course, we look at how we can use meditation  and maintain an enlightened and empowering awareness during the day.
Learn Meditation Online 
A free 7 lesson course in Meditation suitable for anyone wanting to try meditation for the first time and also for regular meditators.
Learn to Meditate in 7 Steps
Sister Jayanti take use through 7 short sessions of sharing wisdom that is essential for a good meditation practise as well as taking us through a guided meditation.
Meditation Music
Radio Eyesee is a streaming music player of soft meditation music by the late Matthew Stephenson, a former musician and resident of the Global Retreat Centre, Oxford, UK.


 Meditation Apps

Beezone App
For anyone who needs a break from all that doing and to enjoy just 'being' for a little while.
Guided Meditations: just-a-minute
Relax in just 1 minute. Guided Meditations, easy tools and tested tips to support the practice of taking one-minute meditation breaks during the day.
Guided Meditations: Meditation Lounge
Get calm and go positive. Audio meditations to uplift your mood anytime, anywhere.


Daily Life

Thought For Today
Receive a daily positive inspiring thought direct to your Email inbox , Facebook or Twitter.
Meditation Lounge App for IOS
Audio meditations | Armchair wisdom videos | Thought for the day | Anywhere, Anytime – get calm and go positive
Meditation Lounge App for Android
Audio meditations | Armchair wisdom videos | Thought for the day | Anywhere, Anytime – get calm and go positive
The A-Z Challenge
Change just ONE habit a week.
Shift negative habits alphabetically.